Saturday, January 18, 2014

My choice to wear fur

A lot has happen since I last wrote...getting pregnant having a baby and building the family business. My husband is a furrier. Its a tradition that was handed down from father to son. My father in law taught my husband the trade. It is not a simple trade to learn. It is an art. The funny thing is when I was young I used to be anti fur.
  I used to hate people that wore fur. I thought it was deplorable. Mind you, I never participated in any anti fur campaign  or  yelled at anyone for wearing fur. I just thought to myself how can they wear fur. As I grew older I realised I eat  rabbit, poultry, beef and so on. Oh yes and I wear leather too. How could I be anti fur. I realised that I was being a hypocrite. How can I be against fur and eat meat. I never became a vegan. I can respect  a person choosing a vegan lifestyle but I never embraced it.  I started to think are people protesting fur because it is a luxury item and high profile?
  For those of you that do not know, most  poultry and meat that we buy in the grocery store have a fate worse than fur bearing animals. They live in crowded stalls and some do not even see the light of day. I do not see PETA campaigning against the poultry and cattle industry. (Remember I do eat both) I do think PETA does have a role without them regulations would not be put into place for a more humane way of hunting and trapping fur bearing animals.  But they should not target hard working people that hunt and trap for a living. Canadian  hunters and trappers have to follow a strict set of regulations (including seal trappers) or face hefty penalties, fines or jail time.
 I am not here to bad mouth PETA or convert anyone. I am just stating my opinion.  We all have to make informed choices. My choice is to wear fur and support the Canadian fur industry.