Saturday, June 14, 2014

Reason to wear fur

A new friend sent me a great email about reasons to wear fur. Here they are as follows

 my top 10 reasons for owning fur....

1) Fur is a natural, sustainable resource
2) Fur is beautiful
3) Fur is warm and durable
4) Fur does not pollute
5) Buying fur helps manage wildlife conservation
6) Buying fur helps create jobs
7) Buying fur is a valuable investment
8) Fur supports other industries & trades
9) Fur is versatile
10) I like fur fashions

When I read his reasons I thought to myself these are solid arguments.  I just thought of fur as something warm and beautiful. It goes beyond just warmth and style.
 Many people are employed because of fur sales. The designers, cutters, operators, tapers, pattern makers, finishers, basters and of course the sales force. We cannot exclude the trappers.  Everyone of these people are employed because of the fur trade. To end the fur trade would mean these people would be unemployed.

It is important to be well informed about the fur trade. Canadian trapper have to follow strict regulations or they lose their license. Those purchasing the the raw skins to be tanned face hefty fines and other severe penalties if they purchase blackmarket furs. This is not to say that it does not happen. You as a consumer must do your research the information is out there. I can only speak from my own experience. When I purchase skins or fur I look for Canadian made products. They are held at stricter guidelines.  That is not to say that other countries are not as strict. It is up to consumers to be aware and not to take everything at face value. Know your product and do your research. If you are still unsure ask an expert. I am here to answer any questions