Monday, July 23, 2012

slight of hand

I have recently moved to Ontario. I wanted something different more land a slower. A slower life style. I searched and searched for a new home. I looked at many houses. I settles for the first home. I did everything like I was supposed to. I hired an inspector I looked it over several times. We even brought our respective parents and you know what. . The inspector said that there were a few things that needed to be repaired but nothing major.In his opionion this is a great house. I feel doupted. hrough out the entire time I had a knawing feeling that there was something but everyone was raving about the house but it almost felt like they were over selling the house. Did I forget to mention that we have a newborn baby and a teenager.
  Let me tell you the many things that we discovered. Things that were over looked by the inspector.  A squirrel's nest in the ceiling of my basement, a colony of huge carpenter ants, a rotted out kitchen and much more. This is the beginning of a major over haul that we did not plan for. Each day we discover bautched repairs and renovations done by the former owners.
 Imagine removing a huge deck to discover that you sump pump exits through a former dryer exit. The exit was not even sealed. The grill was bent open  the piping passed through it and st space was filled with insulation. That were we discovered the squirrel super highway. which led to the kitchen cabinets and basement. basically access to the house. There was poop every where. What am I supposed to do there is not enough bleach in the world.
I am presently living without a functioning  kitchen all my stuff are still in boxes. The best part of all this everytime we get quotes from contractors it seems that the prices are inflatted. This is a beginning of a very long journey. The squirrels are taken care of for now. The carpenter ants seem to be at bay. I do not want anymore surprises. What can I do.
Thank goodness for our health and a beautiful family but I need to find ways to renovate my home inexpesivly and quickly. I would like to enjoy my family before I return to work. Does anyone know where I can get good deals on home improvement supplies. I would really appreciate the advice. Thanks

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